
Showing posts from July, 2019

How to draw a baby girl By-Artistic Brothers

How to draw a baby girl             DRAWING                                                                   Real      Material required for painting charcoal pencils (hard,soft and medium) camlin 2B,B,10B Doms color pencils This is picture of our client who have placed an order for pencil shading. IF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THIS SEND US YOUR PHOTO ON THIS  MAIL ID:- CONTACT US:-9879046657 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! please comment us suggestion

How to draw image into sketch by:-Artistic Brothers

PENCIL SHADING     Real                                                                        Sketch   This is picture of our client who have placed an order for pencil shading. IF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THIS SEND US YOUR PHOTO ON THIS  MAIL ID:- CONTACT US:-9879046657 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

How to DRAW a girl using pencil shading by:- Artistic brothers

PENCIL SHADING This is picture of our client who have placed an order for pencil shading. IF ANYONE INTERESTED IN THIS SEND US YOUR PHOTO ON THIS  MAIL ID:- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!